
Our software package MACE (Multi-Annotator Competence Estimation) is out! It provides competence estimates of the individual annotators …

I have noticed that some of my friends (mostly Germans) use a fake name on social networking sites. This started a few years ago, when …

Writing your papers in LaTeX is great and you should definitely do it. It makes everything better (with the possible exception of …

I have talked before about how important it is for scientists to express themselves well, and the most important aspect of that is to …

Together with my roommate, I found a great way to prepare chicken. It cooks quickly, stays moist, and is almost impossible to mess up. …

While writing on my thesis and various papers, I found that there sometimes is a disconnect between my perception and what others make …

German researchers have drafted a position paper in which they demand science be decelerated in order to improve its quality. Their …

One thing I wish I was, apart from brilliant, is to be fascinated by boring things. Think about it: it would have so many advantages. …

My grandmother could never throw anything away. Occasionally, my mom and her sisters would clean out the pantry, and my cousins, …