I am a Full Professor in the Computing Sciences Department of Bocconi University in Milan, where I lead the MilaNLP lab together with Debora Nozza. I am also the scientific director of the Data and Marketing Insights research unit. Previously, I was CS faculty at the University of Copenhagen, got a PhD from USC’s Information Sciences Institute, and a linguistics master’s in Germany.
I am interested in the interaction between language, society, and machine learning, or what computers can tell us about language and what language can tell us about society. I am also interested in ethical questions of bias and algorithmic fairness in machine learning.
I have authored over 100 articles on these topics, including 3 best paper awards, and two textbooks on text processing in Python.
I co-founded and organized several workshops (on computational social science, and ethics in NLP), and I was a local organizer for the EMNLP 2017 conference. I was awarded an ERC Starting Grant project 2020 for research on demographic bias in NLP.
Outside of work, I enjoy cooking, running, leather-crafting, and picking up heavy things to put them back down.